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The Sáráhkká Festival is a place where people meet Across cultures, the human meeting place is the heart. Sarahkka is the goddess of love and fertility.

She kindles the fire in your heart to help you get in touch with your own power of love and your consciousness, which results in what you go "pregnant" with and what you "give birth" -what you carry into the world.

Sáráhkká is closely related to the creation of animals and humans, and by focusing on her power we gain focus on the good power which is inherent in all of us. So that we come in harmony with Mother Earth, animals, plants and all life associated with creation and production.
Then we create a life that is in harmony with ecological consciousness and we can live in line with the values ​​of nature.

How does today's modern man experience nature? Our own inner nature in the face of the outer landscape? At the Sáráhkká festival you can share your experiences with others. Here you have the opportunity to create, bring joy or just be in the moment.

There will be booth, music, workshop, sales stalls, stories, seminars, entertainment and lectures.
At the festival you have the opportunity to visit exciting exhibitors from Norway, Sápmi and from other traditions and countries, all from shamans, artists, performers and artists.

You will have the opportunity to participate in:

• Indian dance workshop
• Make your own rattle of reindeer skins
• Make your own shaman drum with traditional reindeer skin
• Ceremonies, such as the Chagas ceremony
• Sami thought universe
• Ritual dance and music
• Sarahkka's love ceremony etc.
• You can do qigong exercises with sami traditional joik
• Joik Courses
• Sámi indigenous insights
• Ritual nature walk
• Attend drum tours
• Common drum journeys around the fire
• Communicating indigenous perspectives and ancient traditions
• Sami healing tradition
• Healing methods from the elements of nature
• Silent shamanism
• Quiet travel with shaman rod
• Workshop, mini-course
• Tells While
• Plant walking and plant meditation
• Children's opera Sami The search for the Northern Lights and much more will be on the program next year. Watch.

Hva er distansehealing på telefon?


Distansehealing er omsorg i folkemedisinen.

I nærmiljøet der Astrid vokste opp var det naturlig å be en person med spesielle evner om hjelp ved alvorlige omstendigheter i livet eller ved sykdom og mindre plager. Det er endel av helseomsorgen og en kjærlighetshandling ved å hjelpe sine medmennesker. Denne tradisjonen blir ofte overført og lært videre til neste generasjon. 


Telefonhealing er like naturlig som om du skulle ha vært hos Astrid Ingebjørg.



Hvorfor distansehealingen skjer, kan ikke forklares naturvitenskapelig, men ved rekke tilbakemeldinger av kunder som Astrid Ingebjørg har hjulpet, kan du lese mer her.



"Symbolske bilder, tegn og forvarsler kommer til meg, hvis det er noe jeg skal  få beskjed om. Det er en gave jeg er født med, som jeg kjenner meg priviligert over". Astrid Ingebjørg Swart

Distansehealing og samtale på telefon:
Pris: 700kr
Tid: 45min


Pris: 900kr
Tid: 60min



Vipps: 14232
Kontonummer: 1503 04 65242


Betaling fra utlandet:

Kontonummer: IBAN NO35 15030465242 SWIFT DNB ANOKK XXX





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kontakt oss via skjema nedenfor eller


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